Switch Med – MED TEST II Program (UNI DO)

31 Oct 2017

BariQ is currently engaged in SwitchMed – MEDTEST II program that is funded by the UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) that addresses the need to promote cleaner production with sustainable and efficient resource consumption. This initiative is being implemented in 8 countries in the southern Mediterranean, and the implementation is being done in Egypt by ENCPC experts (a division of the Ministry of Trade & Industry).

As a member of the UNIDO project, BariQ will benefit from it to facilitate energy/raw materials improvements mainly through projects in 2-3 focus areas targeting energy conservation such as fuel, water and electricity, in addition to improving raw materials quality and consumption. The project will build knowledge and in-depth technical capacity, with an emphasis on system optimization and ISO energy management in industry. Additionally, BariQ will gain technical assistance through appointed foreign experts in the field for a period of around 3 months with an agreed upon scope of work.

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